Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Modified Poster Design Ideas

We have decided to change the design layout of the picture on our poster. We have decided to change this because of another poster we have seen, which was created for a similar film. This poster came from the film Basic Instinct.

On this poster we liked the way the direct address attracted the reader’s attention, however it also showed the evil in the woman’s personality. She is looking directly into the camera which suggests that she is in control or has a large amount of power. This also looks dominant because of the way she is holding the male character. She is digging her nails into his back which suggests that she has this dominance because of the violence she appears to show.
For our film poster, we would like to have Terrance and Susanna stood like this, however in reverse position. We would like Terrance to look like the dominant one, and Susanna to look like the vulnerable one. This is because we have used a subvert of the typical film noir theme. We would also like Terrance’s red tie to be showing bright in the black and white photo. By having the photo in black and white (or with some effect) will show the conventions of film noir.
Below. we have shown a sketch to show what our new film poster should look like. This is very basic and some things have been put in the wrong place. For example, the title of the film (Reverie) will be in the bottom third of the poster. This is because it is less important than the picture itself.

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