Monday, 11 November 2013

Problems we have

The café closes at 4 - The problem we have is that we will not have enough time to get dressed and get to the cafe to film. To solve this problem, we have decided to use the cafe on the school premises to film this. There will not be any people in the café after school times, however this is not a problem, all because we do not need a lot of people there. We will also have a lot of time after 6th form to set up the hub to make it look more like a café.

The dream scene – As film noir does not usually use hand held cameras. We chose not to do this in our dream scene. Instead, we are going to use a point of view camera which will be strapped to Susanna’s person. This will allow the audience to see how it is in fact her own dream and she is being chased. There will be points in this scene where Susanna turns round to look at her killer (or the man she is being chased by). This, again, connotes the unknown.

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